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Battery Safety

The Vape Shop Birmingham Guide to Battery Safety

At Vape Shop Birmingham, we take the safety of our customers very seriously. When using electronic cigarettes it is vital to understand how to use and store your batteries correctly. 


It is therefore vitally important that Vape Shop Birmingham customers read this section fully before using and recharging their batteries.

General Rules for ALL Batteries:
  • Do not store batteries loose in a pocket or a bag. This presents a very real risk of fire or explosion.
  • Make sure your battery can safely provide enough power for your device and atomizer/coil combination.
  • Removable batteries must be stored in a secure container (for example, in separate silicone sleeves) to avoid making a short circut which can lead to risk of fire.
  • Lithium ion batteries have an approximate lifespan of 3 to 6 months and should be replaced in this time period.
  • Do not use a damaged battery. Corrosion, dents, bends, leaks, scratches, ripped plastic outer cover are all signs that a battery should no longer be used.
  • If a battery has come into contact with water or fire dispose of it immediately.
  • Do not store batteries in places that experience extreme temperature changes.
  • Do not leave batteries charging unattended for long periods or overnight.
  • Do not charge on a flammable surface.
  • If your battery becomes unusually hot or shows signs of wear due to excessive heat (while charging or in use), dispose of it immediately.
  • Only use the batteries that the supplier recommends and DO NOT mix and match batteries unless it is explicitly stated that they are compatible.
Battery Safety (eGo Style Batteries)

This style of battery is used with very traditional ego style clearomisers. The battery screws directly into the clearomiser (tank) and makes up the majority of the kit itself. While these batteries are self contained and are not removable, there are still safety precautions to be aware of. As well as the general safety tips above, we advise Vape Shop Birmingham customers to please be aware of the following when using and recharging eGo Style batteries:

  • DO NOT USE A MAINS CHARGER to charge eGo Style batteries.
  • As stated, lithium ion batteries have an approximate lifespan of 3 to 6 months and should be replaced within this time period.
  • If your battery or charger seem to be functioning incorrectly (not holding charge, LED on battery or charger not functioning, providing more power than usual etc), dispose of the battery.
  • It is best practice to your device off when not in use. This will avoid accidental activation or short-circuit.
  • Do not over-tighten the connection between the battery and charger or between the battery and the atomizer. If this happens and the battery is damaged, dispose of the battery.
Internal (non-removable) Battery Safety.

Most Vape Pens and Starter Kits will use a non-removable battery which is charged via a Micro-USB charging port on the device itself. While self-contained and therefore at less risk of shorting, you must still be mindful while using and charging these devices. As well as the general safety tips above, Vape Shop Birmingham recommend you familiarise yourself with the following when using and recharging internal batteries:

  • ONLY CHARGE IN A MAINS CHARGER IF THE PRODUCT USAGE GUIDE STATES IT IS SAFE TO DO SO. Otherwise, charge with a USB cable from your Computer/Laptop.
  • As the batteries aren't visible to the user, keep an eye on the performance of your device. If it becomes unusually hot or is outputting more/less wattage than before, please dispose of the device immediately.
  • If your device has a variable wattage output (you can select the wattage output manually), ensure to always stay within the atomizer/clearomizer/coil's recommended wattage settings to avoid damaging the device.
  • It is best practice to your device off when not in use. This will avoid accidental activation or short-circuit.
Removable IMR Battery Safety (High Powered Batteries)

If you use a Sub Ohm device, these usually require (one or two) 18650, 21700 or 20700 batteries to power the device. These are powerful removable IMR batteries which can be recharged either through the Micro-USB slot on the device itself, or in a battery charging station. Vape Shop Birmingham suggest that new vapers avoid using removable IMR batteries if they do not have knowledge of battery safety or seek the information before purchase. Only those with a knowledge of battery safety and the safe limits of operation should attempt to use these cells. While the safest batteries you can own, they still pose a risk of fire and damage if not correctly used and/or stored. It is essential you follow the above general guidelines and the following guidelines to avoid any unforeseen accidents:

  • When charging via the mains charger, make sure to not leave your device unattended for prolonged periods of time.
  • DO NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES store your batteries loose in your pocket or bag. Any metallic items (such as coins) that come into contact with the batteries can complete the circuit and cause an explosion and/or fire.
  • Check your batteries periodically to ensure they aren't damaged or leaking. Look for signs of heat damage such as melting or bubbling around the battery sleeve. If any signs are seen, dispose of the battery immediately.
  • If the battery sleeve itself is torn or damaged in any way, dispose of the battery immediately.
  • If your device has a variable wattage output (you can select the wattage output manually), ensure to always stay within the atomizer/clearomizer/coil's recommended wattage settings to avoid damaging the device.
  • If you have a high wattage device (150w and above) please make sure your batteries can handle the extra output before attempting to vape at higher wattage.
  • Ensure your battery has a high enough amp limit; if the amp limit of the battery used is too low this can stop your device from functioning at its maximum potential and under extenuating circumstances can damage the battery and can cause failure.
Rebuildable Kits Battery Safety

Rebuildable atomizers are used at the owner’s risk. Due to the nature of rebuildable devices you should not use them without first having a knowledge of coil-building with particular regard to battery safety. Always ensure that the atomizer coil you are building is not too low a resistance for the device you intend to use it with. Refer to device and atomizer manual to ensure you are within safe operating limits.

  • A knowledge of Ohm’s Law, or access to an online Ohm’s Law calculator will help you to stay within safe parameters.
  • Operating a rebuildable atomizer coil that is too low a resistance with a regulated device will usually result in the device refusing to activate.
  • With an unregulated device a too-low resistance atomizer will draw current from the battery too quickly which can result in overheating and failure
  • VSB DO NOT recommend using rebuildable atomizers with an unregulated device.
  • VSB DO NOT offer instructions or guarantees with regard to user-made atomizer coils.
  • Please be aware that incorrect use can result in serious failure.

We hope you enjoy our products and vape safely, 

The Vape Shop Birmingham Team
